4. Parents as Partners
You are your child's first teacher. Parents play an integral role in the success of our school. From Room Moms and Dads to parent volunteers, we view our parents as partners and believe they are one of the strengths of our school.

5. We Worship Together
We desire to help grow your child's love for Jesus. We attend chapel weekly and have fun learning about our great big God who loves us with a great big heart!
Our Learning Cornerstones
1. Love first. Teach second.
Our teachers love to teach. But even more, they love the children and families they are teaching and they love Jesus. Reflecting Christ's love is the foundation for everything we do. When children are encouraged in a nurturing environment, they love to learn!
2. Curriculum Matters!
We use the A Beka curriculum series for our three-, four-, and five-year-olds.
A Beka is a phonics-based pre-reading and reading curriculum designed to build superior reading skills. We provide age-appropriate learning activities in pre-reading and pre-math. For more details on our age-specific curriculum, please visit our 'Classes/Registration' page.
3. Play is Important!
In addition to our strong foundational learning curriculum, we believe play has a purpose! We combine hands-on learning activities with dramatic play, art, and manipulatives. We also believe children need a healthy dose of sunshine and spend 20 minutes in daily outdoor play (weather permitting).